Technological innovation has impacted all industries; Education is not the exception. Today, the educational industry has suffered in trying to implemet technological tools and get into the world of digital process to improve the way they can leverage to find potential students, attract, engaged and enroll students and as importatnt keeping them studying. These technological competences are not necessarily developed by universities or schools and neither is their main function. This is the reason why for the educational industry there are at least 17,000 companies that provide digital services and support different parts of the general process. However, the trends for this 2019, which have helped to fulfill each of the stages, in a less intrusive way for prospects and students, have their support in some trends and digital tools which are enlisted below.
Content is the most important thing ifor this 2019; However, we live in a historical moment where more content is being generated than ever before. In fact, in the next 12 months of this year, it will generate the same content as everything historically generated by humans Reason why, downloading this content strategically is key. For example, customize content on web pages, use analytics to optimize, segment and communicate one-to-one to prospects, define your differentiators as "brand" or university and on that position yourself in the first places on the search sites, as well as use blogs that are much more powerful than what people consider and help to segment your base based on interests; additionally, the way that content is given is as important as the message; Nowadays, video is having an acceptance above any other medium.
Another important trend is the automation of the process, using technology helps in minimizing contact times, response, service, information, interaction among others, but in parallel it allows to use a significant number of communication and omni-channel flows that personalize all the contents possible and developed, based on analytics, to get relevant messages to your prospects and students. This process generates a lot of information that helps the marketing teams to understand which content is attracting more, which generates more answers and most importantly what is generating the greatest conversion to enrollees as well as the positioning of your brand as a university.
Additional for this year in education, the recommendation, as prospects, students, teachers and employees happy; they become your brand ambassadors and your best sellers; Additionally, it is a reflection of the results that you as a marketing team are achieving. If the indicator is positive, it means that it has had an important effect on brand building and service with your students.
As a conclusion, for this 2019, the most relevant trends that any marketing team has to use are content, automation and recommendation, always strategically thought, so that the implementation makes it work as planned and the results are imminent.
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