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Aug 21, 20193 min read
The challenge to develop a growth mindset at collage
Most people have heard that our true intellectual potential is unknown, that we only use 10% of our brains, that our learning abilities...
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Jul 29, 20192 min read
Technology Leveraged Learning
There are few Universities that consider constanlty improving education and they know it is a big problem and always has been. From...
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Jun 21, 20183 min read
Naworring or Expanding the Brand?
When you put your Brand name on everything, that name loses power. That is a fact. At least in consumers minds about what your brand...
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May 17, 20183 min read
Higher education digital challenge
In order to understand where we are heading in higher education, we need to know where we are coming from. The first formal education was...
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May 2, 20183 min read
Digital Evolution Benefits
There are many questions small and mid-size business are asking today, some are: How to evolve my business?, how to become more digital?,...
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Apr 17, 20183 min read
Top-team mindset to technology...
Every organization today is being exposed to an external changing environment that is challenging their industry or might be going...
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Apr 11, 20183 min read
Marketing vs Digital Marketing Transformation
How to become a digital enterprise?, how to evolve into a digital organization?, how to invest in digital? how to engage consumers...
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Apr 4, 20183 min read
Marketing Department Evolution
The marketing department relevance within the organization is evolving and growing with the digital era in many positive ways. The image...
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Mar 4, 20184 min read
The evolution of human decisions
Would you consider leaving your decisions to someone else?. It seems that is where we are heading with the development of personal...
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Feb 18, 20184 min read
Artificial Intelligence cross-industries impact.
Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), from production to delivery, have enabled manufacturers, retailers...
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Jan 28, 20184 min read
Your social rating is... and your place in society would be...
China has done some important moves on social ratings. The Chinese government is planning to launch its Social Credit System in 2020....
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Jan 20, 20184 min read
Deep learning is coming to us.
Deep learning is a term that we might also known as deep structured learning or hierarchical learning, is part of machine learning...
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Dec 17, 20174 min read
Would self driving cars defeat the insurance industry?
One of the industries that has taken advantage of statistics is insurance. Today, we get our prices for life, cars, medical, education...
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Dec 10, 20173 min read
2007 the year that started the change of humanity.
2007 was a pivot year for human behavior and triggered a set of companies, products and innovations in different industries, that started...
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Dec 2, 20173 min read
Would bitcoin change the bank industry?
In order to understand how a technology could have an impact on a business model or a particular company, we first need to understand the...
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Nov 19, 20174 min read
The behavioral impact of technology
Have you ever wonder how we have changed in our daily behavior because of the technology and we haven't even realize it. I have seen in...
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Nov 12, 20173 min read
The need for Industries r-evolution.
In 2017 the companies that have filled for bankruptcy protection program are: Toys-r-us, The Limited, Wet Seal, BCBG, RadioShack, Payless...
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Nov 6, 20173 min read
Would VR become everyones reality?
The past two years, Virtual Reality (VR) has been on the news from Facebook Oculus, Samsung VR headsets, Playstation VR, just to mention...
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Oct 30, 20173 min read
Is Crayola evolving their business?
Crayola has been around since 1885. It has been a key product for most kids in their imagination and artistic development. The company is...
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Oct 22, 20173 min read
Would the IoT anticipate us in everything?
Internet of Things (IoT) has been on the news a lot lately, and more products interconnected are being launched every single day. It is...
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