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Feb 26, 20194 min read
Jobs: Robots vs Humans
Have you ever think or consider a Robot Co-worker? would they become our competitors or peers? Do machines truly pose a threat to human...
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Apr 17, 20183 min read
Top-team mindset to technology...
Every organization today is being exposed to an external changing environment that is challenging their industry or might be going...
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Mar 13, 20183 min read
Entrepreneurs vs technology
Most entrepreneurs know the main challenges they face today, have to do with people, technology and innovation budget restriction. To be...
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Mar 4, 20184 min read
The evolution of human decisions
Would you consider leaving your decisions to someone else?. It seems that is where we are heading with the development of personal...
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Jan 14, 20184 min read
Would drones become a business game changer?
Drones in the news are becoming a frequent subject. However, the industries we constantly read about are more related to military,...
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Dec 17, 20174 min read
Would self driving cars defeat the insurance industry?
One of the industries that has taken advantage of statistics is insurance. Today, we get our prices for life, cars, medical, education...
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Dec 2, 20173 min read
Would bitcoin change the bank industry?
In order to understand how a technology could have an impact on a business model or a particular company, we first need to understand the...
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Nov 6, 20173 min read
Would VR become everyones reality?
The past two years, Virtual Reality (VR) has been on the news from Facebook Oculus, Samsung VR headsets, Playstation VR, just to mention...
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Oct 30, 20173 min read
Is Crayola evolving their business?
Crayola has been around since 1885. It has been a key product for most kids in their imagination and artistic development. The company is...
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Sep 26, 20171 min read
Don't fight the systems that exist, create new ones.
Two questions come to my mind about creativity and business. 1. How creativity can help business success? 2. Do business create the right...
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