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May 7, 20184 min read
Industries most affected by technology
In 2018, all industries have been affected by technology somehow. However, this article aims to point out the most affected industries,...
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Jan 28, 20184 min read
Your social rating is... and your place in society would be...
China has done some important moves on social ratings. The Chinese government is planning to launch its Social Credit System in 2020....
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Jan 14, 20184 min read
Would drones become a business game changer?
Drones in the news are becoming a frequent subject. However, the industries we constantly read about are more related to military,...
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Jan 7, 20183 min read
Are humans capable to manage the current speed of content generation?
Buckminster Fuller created the “Knowledge Doubling Curve”; in his research, he noticed that until 1900 human knowledge doubled...
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Dec 10, 20173 min read
2007 the year that started the change of humanity.
2007 was a pivot year for human behavior and triggered a set of companies, products and innovations in different industries, that started...
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Nov 12, 20173 min read
The need for Industries r-evolution.
In 2017 the companies that have filled for bankruptcy protection program are: Toys-r-us, The Limited, Wet Seal, BCBG, RadioShack, Payless...
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Nov 6, 20173 min read
Would VR become everyones reality?
The past two years, Virtual Reality (VR) has been on the news from Facebook Oculus, Samsung VR headsets, Playstation VR, just to mention...
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Oct 15, 20173 min read
Will social media algorithms tell us how and what to think?
Ramon Murguía Have you ever wonder how your news feed are selected for you? Social media algorithms are as complex as they can get....
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Oct 9, 20173 min read
Paid TV is killing traditional broadcasting
Today more and more new players in the digital content world are appearing and taking a huge share from traditional TV broadcast....
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